Thursday, September 23, 2010

Red Octane Mod

My wiring job is novice at best. I did twist the wires in the end to help keep them from laying everywhere. I need some heat shrink tubing or some cable ties to pretty it up, but who cares the bottom is not see through.

Some more shots of the wiring.
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Red Octane Mod from PS2 to XBOX 360

These are the tools I used for the job. Screw driver, soldering iron, small screw driver, scissors, helping hands, small piece of sponge, Gamestop Xbox 360 controller.

This is the inside of the Red Octane joy stick before the mod. The crafting is not that great (better than I could do, but not as good as what I have found on the internet) and the buttons were loose. The wires are a total mess and were not labeled at all. The common ground wires were soldered on the tabs instead of just wiring them with the clips. I did not touch the actual buttons or joy stick other than to make adjustments. Not sure if you can tell from the picture , but the joystick was mounted at an angle. Perhaps on purpose, but I moved is straight and screwed it back down.

The old PS2 PCB and the new controller. Let's git it!
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